I am so tired of hearing that Mayfair girls are the best escorts in London
The truth is that London is full of high quality escorts services, and I am sure that we would be better of letting gents find a service that they really like instead. Most of the gents that I date here at London escorts say that we are just as good as the so called posh girls in London. At the end of the day, what is in a post code? Working in London today as an escorts, it seems that you are judged by your post code and that isn’t right.
Before I worked for London escorts from https://londonxcity.com/escorts/, I used to work in north London. If you like, that is where I learned my trade and I was able to move on to London. A lot of the gents who dated in north London when I worked there said that all of the north London girls were just as hot as Mayfair girls. Many of them had actually switched from dating in central London to north London, and they all thought they had much mroe fun dating escorts in north London instead.
The same thing goes for the girls who work as airport escorts around places Gatwick and Heathrow. A few weeks ago, a girl who had been working at Heathrow joined London escorts. What she does is not different from the rest of us, and she is totally stunning. She could easily become a Mayfair girl but says she does not want to. According to her, a lot of the girls in Mayfair struggle a bit, and don’t make as much money as us girl here in London. I think that is probably true as Mayfair and Kensington are such expensive places to work in.
Then we have girls from Croydon and other places on the perimeter of London. Kazia is a new girl here at London escorts. She is a lovely Indian girl and very sensual. She is totally hot and gents just love to date her because she is so exotic. I have to say that she could easily make a VIP or elite girl in Mayfair. Once again, she has seen the light and knows that the girls in Mayfair may not be as well off as they think they are and often brag about. I would really love to know what these girls actually earn.
Most London escorts are really good, and all of the girls who work for London escorts could easily make it as VIP girls in places like Mayfair. Some of the girls that I have spoken to in Mayfair did not start off as VIP girls. Most of them came from very humble beginnings and worked for other agencies around London. The truth is that you do not become a VIP escorts straight away, It takes practice, and you have to do an awful lot of dating before you make it. However, I think that other escorts are just as good as VIP girls.