I am surprised that not more chaps date West Midland escorts.
They are absolutely stunning, and they are probably the sexiest women around. I love dating escorts and I have been dating West Midland escorts of http://www.westmidlandescorts.com for many years. They never used to be really organized but now you will find that West Midland escorts are much more organized.
A couple of months ago, the first West Midland escorts agency opened and it sounds really good. They are concentrating on providing elite escorts, and many of the girls who have joined the agency are stunning. It is about time that West Midland escorts had their own agency, it will probably do a lot for the local escorts business.
Of course, there are some escorts that are hotter than other but at the end of the day, it sounds like gents in the area prefer to date blondes.
There are some really hot blondes in the area but the hottest blondes of all are Sally and Sarah. Sally and Sarah are two bisexuals who specialize in duo dating, and they have become a really popular couple in West Midland.
Both girls were actually born locally but left to work in Los Angeles and Las Vegas for a while. They made a lot of money in both cities but in 2008 the porn industry in the United States took a down turn. Many former British porn stars decided to return to the UK, and start escorting.
Sally and Sarah stayed behind in Las Vegas, and started duo dating. They soon become a very hot item, and made a lot of money from duo dating. But in 2014 Sarah’s mom became ill, and the loving couple decided to return to the UK.
Of course, the girls did not want to give up dating so they started to duo date in the UK. First of all, they enjoyed working in central London, but after a while they got tired of high rents and moved to West Midland. The girls are now working for the local elite escorts agency, and are really enjoying life back in the UK.
Duo dating is still quite a specialist service in the UK, and many gents are prepared to pay a premium per hour price. Of course, Sally and Sarah have many years of experience in the business and can provide gents with some amazing duo dates. The cost to duo date the ladies is £250 per hour but they will guarantee that you will have the time of your life. One of our serial daters here at the Better Sex Guide, says that sounds like a good price for an exclusive service.
Duo dating is popular with many international visitors and international business men to the UK. They get the opportunity to enjoy the sexy companionship of two hot escorts around London, and they will have the best and sweetest of delights served up to them. Many experienced duo daters say that the cost is worth the end result and often recommend the service. Would you like to duo date? Why don’t you find yourself two hot girls like Sally and Sarah?