Why I Like To Dress Up In Drag?

When I was younger, I always used to enjoy wearing my sister’s clothes. My parents never made a bid deal about it. I think that there are probably many boys who like to dress up in their sisters’ clothes. It is really a bit of fun. But, for me, things were different. I really got a kick out of it, and I have carried on dressing up in feminine clothing ever since. Does my wife know about it? No, I have to admit that my wife does not know anything about it at all. I only dress up in drag on my visits to London escorts. In fact, it is only the girls at my local London escorts agency in the city who know about my secret.

Why do I like dressing up in drag? I like to feel attractive. A few years ago, I went to a bar in London where a lot of London’s top drag queens meet up. To fit in, I made sure that I was dressed up in drag, and I also brought along one of the girls I date at London escorts. I wanted a shoulder to lean and I find that the girls at my local London escorts are great for when it comes to moral support. Anyway, I started to talk to the other “ladies” and it soon became apparent that we could agree on one thing. Dressing up made us feel attractive.

I think that there are many men out there who do not feel attractive. Men need to be told that they look good as much as women do. I know men who like to date London escorts simply because the girls at London escorts make them feel good about themselves. That is not the reason I date London escorts. I like to spend time with the girls because they accept me for who I am. Dating them gives me a chance to spend time in the company of other girls. I often take a bunch of girls from London escorts to a pub in London to enjoy myself. Spending time with other females makes me feel on top of the world.

Is this something all drag queens do? Some drag queens don’t like to spend time with other women at all. In fact, I know drag queens who feel challenged or threatened by other women. They are better off in a crowd of their own. Is that such a good thing? I really don’t know if it is. In my opinion, it means that they really don’t relate well to women. I relate very well to women and that is why I like to spend time in the company of London escorts.

I don’t think that I am ever going to tell my wife that I like to date London escorts and dress up as a drag queen. But, if I did not visit London escorts or dress up as a woman, I don’t think that our relationship would work. That may sound a bit odd to many but it goes to prove that we all have our own personal needs. My personal need is to dress up as a woman. No, I don’t to be a woman but I do get a kick out the way pretending to be a woman for a few short hours to make me feel wanted. Is it a big deal? I don’t see it as a big deal myself and maybe if I told my wife, she would not think it is a big deal neither.